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E.O. Smith Family Crew Guide
Parents & Guardians Corner
Important Dates and Information (last updated March 19, 2025)
Read About the Team to see the difference between our fall and spring seasons, practice days, and novice rowers. The E.O Smith crew team practices on Coventry lake, Coventry, CT at the Patriots Park boat house. No experience is necessary.
Regatta Norms
EO Smith Crew is fortunate to host several home races (called regattas) during the year. Each regatta has its own rules and regulations, but there are several common factors that you’ll need to know about before attending one, whether at home or away. Our race schedule is created in January and February, and will be updated on our website under the Google Calendar.
Transport for Away Regattas
It’s very important that your child be on the bus on time. When returning, we will give your child an approximate arrival time at our boathouse so they can communicate that with you. We will often rig boats and get them ready for our next practice before leaving for the evening. All athletes are expected to travel to and from the regatta on the bus with their teammates. Exceptions may be discussed with the coach prior to race day, and must be communicated through the child’s guardians.
Pre-Race - Upon arriving at the venue, athletes are responsible for setting up their boat (rigging) and getting their oars down to the water.
Coaches & Coxswains Meeting
Coaches and coxswains will have a safety meeting with the hosting staff before races begin. This is for athletes and coaches only, and parents are asked not to attend.
Launching and Landing
Rowers will bring their boat down or back from the trailer or boathouse to launch off the dock. Spectators must keep the area clear and remain off the dock at all times.
Pre and Post-Race Boat Meetings
Coaches will meet with individual boats before and after races to debrief. Please remain at a distance so your child can stay focused on their race and their teammates.
Common Table - This is our base camp where athletes and families can eat, talk, and watch the races. The Common Table needs volunteers every season! Please reach out to the Friends of EO smith Crew if you are interested in helping! See our website!
Regatta Etiquette
Regattas are an exciting way to see your child’s accomplishments, meet new friends and get involved with our sport! As with any high school sporting event, please help us continue our mission of good sportsmanship, camaraderie and fun! Families must respect officials, opposing teams, and our own athletes and coaches. NOISEMAKERS (Cowbells) are ONLY allowed at home regattas. They are prohibited at other venues. Please DO NOT bring cowbells to any away regattas as our team could be disqualified if used.
Regatta Fees
The Connecticut Public School Rowing Association requires a $10 fee from each family attending the state championship regatta. Reminders will be sent prior to the regatta. A collection will be set up at our common table to be given to the regatta.
Regatta Merchandise - Many larger regattas have clothing and merchandise tents at the venue that your child may want to shop at. see our apparel website for purchasing items!
Fundraising & Team Awards​
EO Smith Crew holds several fundraisers during the year. The money is used to purchase new equipment, and maintain our older equipment so we can keep our athletes fast and safe on the water!
During the spring, we participate in an “Ergathon” where athletes row all night. They collect pledges from family and friends!
End-of-Season Awards
All athletes are given a certificate from the Athletic Department. Novice athletes receive numbers indicating their graduating class, and new varsity are given letters. Athletes must compete in a varsity level (1st or 2nd boat) twice in a season, or be a senior, to qualify for a varsity letter. Returning varsity are given pins once per year, and captains receive their own pin.
Senior Oarsman and Oarswoman Award - In the spring, a senior is chosen by the coaching staff to receive the oarsman and oarswoman award. This senior exemplifies the values of FEO Smith Crew.
Glossary of Crew Terms
PDF Document
We hope that this guide helps you understand more about our very unique sport! Please talk to your child’s coach if you have any additional questions. ​